Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Aperitif

Now, I know that colorful saying, 'opinions are like _____' (you can madlib the rest) and though we all have them, some are more full of it than others. My opinions, are just that, opinions.

Why then should you even begin to waste your time with what could be just another long winded, and often times down right pompous adoration of food?

I, like you, have found myself sifting through wordy restaurant reviews trying to find which one could satisfy the high expectations of a Saturday night outing. Though some do a great job feeding my appetite and painting quite an appealing picture, I often find myself wishing I had a quick, clear, and earnest opinion from which to make a decision. I plan to do just that.

I am not a professional, nor do I have the financial sponsoring to try most of the dishes on a given menu, but I love food and I love talking about food. That said, I promise to provide you with a true and sincere opinion, with the ultimate goal of generating some good discussion and paving the way for a free exchange of ideas.

I truly hope that you find this site helpful, and that we will be able to chat, you know, no big whoop.



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